23 May NSCC AGM Outcome
We had an overwhelming attendance at the club’s Annual General Meeting last evening. The minutes of the meeting will be published and shared with members as soon as possible.
The main order of business was to vote on the role of Club President and the incumbent George Mouhayet was re-elected with a significant majority – congratulations George. There was good discussion around the great work of the committee in fostering ride participation, racing, juniors, womens program and kit – as the foundation of what we do. Also some great suggestions on how we use the new website and social media platforms (to be launched this month) to maximise communication with members and enhance how we talk together.
The 2018 committee is:
George Mouhayet – President
Archie Wilson – Vice President and Memberships
Matt Garnon – Secretary
Mike Coyne – Treasurer
Helmut Vetisch – Junior Development
Bob Santone – Race Coordinator
Ran Virdi – Handicapping
We also welcome Deb Ainslie as Women’s Coordinator – Deb will lead a special sub-committee on Women’s participation to grow our number of women riders and racing – more on that later
On behalf of the committee i would encourage all members to feel free to raise any issues and suggestions on how we can do things better and improve this great club.
Thanks to those who attended and the many members who used proxy voting to show how they care about the club’s future